
Phone Info Dialer *#*#4636#*#* APK 1.0

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Phone Info Dialer 4636 is a powerful Android application that provides detailed information about your phone's hardware and software. With this app, you can easily access and analyze various aspects of your device, allowing you to make informed decisions and troubleshoot any issues.

One of the key features of Phone Info Dialer 4636 is its ability to display detailed information about your phone's hardware components. You can view information such as the model, manufacturer, CPU architecture, RAM size, and storage capacity. This can be particularly useful when you need to check if your device meets the requirements for certain apps or games.

In addition to hardware information, Phone Info Dialer 4636 also provides insights into your phone's software. You can access details about the Android version, build number, kernel version, and more. This can be helpful when you want to ensure that your device is running the latest software updates or if you need to troubleshoot any software-related issues.

Furthermore, Phone Info Dialer 4636 offers a range of diagnostic tools that can help you identify and resolve common phone problems. You can perform tests on various aspects of your device, such as the battery, display, sensors, and connectivity. This can be invaluable when you are experiencing issues with your phone and need to pinpoint the root cause.

With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, Phone Info Dialer 4636 is a must-have app for any Android user who wants to have a deeper understanding of their device. Whether you are a tech enthusiast or simply want to ensure optimal performance, this app provides all the necessary tools to keep your phone running smoothly.

Download Phone Info Dialer 4636 now and unlock a wealth of information about your Android device!

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